
Showing posts from January, 2017

Honey Revolution, maybe?

On 10th December, 2016 PM Mr. Narendra Modi  said, “After  milk revolution it’s time for honey revolution” while giving speech in Gujarat.So, now let’s get some information about what is Honey Revolution and how Honey Production (Bee Keeping) help the farmers. History                  Apiculture (from Latin : Apis “Bee”) is the maintenance of honey bee colonies, commonly in hives by humans in order to collect their honey and other products. Depiction of humans collecting honey from wild bees dates back to 15,000 years ago. Domestication  is shown in Egyptian art from around 4500 years ago.                    Bee Keeping is one of the oldest tradition in India for collecting honey. Honey Bee farming is becoming more popular due to its market demand in national and international markets as well. Not only farmers make a sweet dividend but bee keeping also helps them to increase agricultural productivity through pollination. Honey Bee is one of the most important agents fo

The Honey Revolution


Innovation is an Inexhaustible Engine for Economic Development

One of the BJP-led NDA government’s glorious campaign is Make In India . " Make in India"  is a lion's step, the logo is a silhouette of a lion on a prowl made entirely of cogs symbolizing  India’s  manufacturing strength and national pride.There are some goals which seem achievable to me and some I think are merely fantasy.The aim of Make In India is to create demand and then incentivise producers to meet the demand.This according to the Make In India campaign consists of 4 broad measures: 1. Cheaper costs of production and movement of goods – Raw materials have to make their way into the factory and finished goods have to move out. In the middle of this the processing of materials into goods would take water, electricity, real estate, clinics and hospitals to support this facility. An alternative is to set up your own unit, that would mean incurring more costs which would go against our aim in the first place. The current energy deficiency in India is around

The Genius of Amazon Go

  In early December, 2016, Amazon took the wraps off Amazon Go, a real-world grocery store that comes with a twist: there’s no checkout process. You just grab the stuff you want and walk out; the order posts to your Amazon account afterwards. There are no cashiers, no lines, no fumbling for a credit card. “ Four years ago we asked ourselves: what if we could create a shopping experience with no lines and no checkout? Could we push the boundaries of computer vision and machine learning to create a store where customers could simply take what they want and go? Our answer to those questions is Amazon Go and Just Walk Out Shopping. ” – Amazon Amazon posted this video on YouTube, and it outlines what Amazon Go is all about. The video now has over 7.7 million views. Have I piqued your interest yet? So, how did Amazon Go start and how does it work? In 2013 and 2014 Amazon filed two patents that described most of the technology that the Amazon Go store is depicted to