
Showing posts from December, 2019

Eastern Cultural Diversity

Cultures and Contributions of the East We, as people living in a free, democratic country, are well aware of the fact that a huge part of our lifestyle has been influenced by the western trend that includes powerful countries like USA, UK, Canada, etc. But what we have been constantly failing to notice, is that the eastern countries— among whom India plays a vital role—have been influencing the world since a long period with their exquisite and rich culture.  The eastern part of the world i.e. The Eastern world consists of the Asian continent, the Indian Subcontinent and Europe. These countries, although seldom acknowledged, have been one of the greatest contributors to the world's overall development, be it any field whatsoever. From the onset of the first bullet train in Japan, to the introduction of tea from China, our lives have been prominently affected. Even then, these are minute contributions in the vast range of the progress that the Eastern Countries have led


         It is said that a government is the heart and kind of every economy. We, the people, elect the government through elections. Just as we categorize certain leaders to be too good or bad to be real, the 2019 Canadian federal elections were a series of unexpected turns.  The Liberal Party lead by incumbent Prime Minister Justin Trudeau with his minority government won 157 seats in the general elections. The Liberal party lost the majority they had won in the 2015 elections. The Liberal Party’s main opposition, the Conservation Party had a higher vote share of 121 seats, as a result they remained the official opposition.  As Justin Trudeau officially began his second term, there prevailed a sense of alienation from the rest of the country. Let’s assess the factors that led to this not that surprising of an outcome- The Scandals Sometimes a man can be his own worst enemy and that was somewhat true in the case of Justin Trudeau. Various controversies looming over his Prime Ministers
BOOK REVIEW-All the Light We Cannot See "So how, children, does the brain, which lives without a spark of light, build for us a world full of light?"-Anthony Doerr. Inside the walled island-city of Saint Malo, the war has arrived. We are introduced to two people staying in the same city whose paths, unbeknownst to the reader, are about to cross. Marie Laure lives in the tall house by the sea where she has with her a miniature diorama of the very city she is within and a jewel of fabled powers. Losing her sight at an early age, the diorama is how she learns to navigate her way around and later become a part of the resistance. Situated a few streets away from her is Werner Pfennig, a German soldier of extraordinary skill with the radio. Growing up in an orphanage with his sister, Werner dreams of a life bigger than the coal mines he is supposed to work at. We are soon swept away in the story; navigating the streets of Paris first and later Saint Malo, with Marie La
The Ongoing Impeachment of Donald Trump The United States is a federal republic in which the Congress and federal courts share powers reserved to the national government, according to its Constitution. The federal government shares sovereignty with the state governments. Two political parties, the Democratic Party and the Republican Party, have dominated American politics since the American Civil War. Generally, the Democratic Party is also known as the center-left liberal party within the United States, while the Republican Party is known as center-right conservative party. Donald Trump is the 45th and current president of the United States. He ran for Presidency with the ticket of Republican Party. In 2016, Donald Trump  defeated the Democratic ticket of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and U.S. Senator from Virginia Tim Kaine, despite losing the popular vote. It was later established that Russia played a very important role in the defeat of Hillary Clinton and the t
BREXIT- The Messiest Divorce in the History of the World                            4 years, 3 Prime Ministers, 2 Giant Economies, 1 Brexit              After applying to be a part of the then European Economic Committee and being continually vetoed against for nearly a decade, in 1973 the country of Great Britain became a part of what is today known as the European Union , a behemoth of an economic organization comprising of 2 8 countries both developed and developing, on the European Continent. By 2016 UK made up over 50% of EU's imports and exports and contributed to around 10 Billion Euros to its budget. But a seed that was planted way back in 1975 sprouted once again in the March of 2016 and today has become a gargantuan tree th reatening to tear through the very roof of the British Economy, the Brexit. But like a tree, it is taking it’s time, slowly, steadily, chipping away at the foundations one brick at a time. The entire world, including the very Prime