The Ongoing Impeachment of Donald Trump
The United States is a federal republic in which the Congress and federal courts share powers reserved to the national government, according to its Constitution. The federal government shares sovereignty with the state governments.

Two political parties, the Democratic Party and the Republican Party, have dominated American politics since the American Civil War. Generally, the Democratic Party is also known as the center-left liberal party within the United States, while the Republican Party is known as center-right conservative party.

Donald Trump is the 45th and current president of the United States. He ran for Presidency with the ticket of Republican Party. In 2016, Donald Trump  defeated the Democratic ticket of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and U.S. Senator from Virginia Tim Kaine, despite losing the popular vote.

It was later established that Russia played a very important role in the defeat of Hillary Clinton and the triumph of Trump. when Russia set out to interfere with the 2016 election, it went all out. over the course of the election, a wide-ranging group of Russians probed state voter databases for insecurities; hacked the Hillary Clinton campaign, and released politically damaging information on the internet;  set up meetings with members of the Trump campaign; and floated a business proposition for a skyscraper in Moscow to the Trump Organization.

During the 2016 presidential campaign and up to his inauguration, Trump and his officials had numerous contacts with Russian nationals, with WikiLeaks. As of January, The New York Times had tallied over 100 in-person meetings, phone calls, text messages, emails and private messages on Twitter between the  Trump Campaign and Russians or WikiLeaks. The goal, as determined by the U.S.  intelligence community and backed up by evidence gathered by Special Counsel Robert Mueller was to damage the
Clinton campaign, boost Trump’s chances and sow distrust in American democracy.

  For the forthcoming Presidential elections to be held in 2020 in The US, he tried to bring in a new "character" in the picture; Ukraine.
In a July phone call, Trump asked Volodymyr Zelensky, the newly elected President of Ukraine to do him a  "favour" in return for already-approved military aid that Trump had put on hold: namely, to pursue investigations of John Biden, Democratic party candidate, Biden's son Hunter, and Burisma, a Ukrainian natural gas company on whose board Hunter had served—and also to support a conspiracy theory that Ukraine, not Russia, was behind interference in the 2016 presidential election.

Following this on 24th September 2019, an impeachment inquiry against Donald Trump was initiated by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, after the allegation that he had abused the power of the presidency by withholding both military aid and a White House meeting as a means of pressuring Zelensky, to publicly announce investigations which would be damaging to Trump's political rival Biden in the 2020 election.

Senator John  Neely Kennedy, the Democratic turned Republican said in a recent interview that both Russia and Ukraine interfered in the 2016 presidential election,  despite the intelligence community’s assessment that only Russia did so.
The comments mark Kennedy’s latest attempt to shift the focus away from the U.S. intelligence community’s conclusion that Russia worked to help elect President Trump.


Under the Constitution, the president, vice president and "all civil officers of the United States" can be removed from office for "treason, bribery, or other high crimes and “misdemeanours". If the House votes to impeach, the matter moves to the Senate, where a trial is held. The chief justice of the US Supreme Court presides over the trial. A two-thirds majority vote is required in the 100-member Senate to convict and remove a president from office.
Only two US presidents have ever been successfully impeached and in neither instance was the president removed from office.

Well,  two months into the impeachment investigation of US President Donald Trump, the American people find themselves bitterly split on the inquiry.
For some, it is a clear case of bribery, where a sitting president tried to press a foreign country to help him win the 2020 elections. For others, they see a Democratic Party conspiring to destroy the president at any cost. The partners in the conspiracy are the media, diplomats and bureaucrats, and a handful of influential Ukrainians.

Efforts to impeach President Trump have been made by various people and groups. The first efforts in the Republican-controlled Congress were initiated in 2017 by Representatives Al Green and Brad Sherman, both Democrats (D), in response to Trump's obstructions of justice in the Russian influence investigations begun during the first year of Trump's presidency. 
Democrats gained control of the House following the 2018 elections and made Nancy Pelosi the new Speaker. While she consistently resisted any move toward impeachment, she currently supported multiple committees' respective investigations into Trump's  actions and finances. On January 17, 2019, new allegations involving Trump instructing his long-time lawyer, Michael Cohen, to lie under oath about Trump's conflict-of-interest involvement with the Russian government to erect a Trump Tower in Moscow. he  has also sought to implicate Biden and his son in the kind of corruption that has long plagued Ukraine.

 This also sparked requests for an investigation and for the president to "resign or be impeached".

 Hunter Biden served on the board of a Ukrainian gas company at the same time his father was leading the Obama administration's diplomatic dealings with Kyiv.
There has been no evidence of wrongdoing by either the former vice president or his son.

So, it is quite evident that Trump is attempting to gain Superpower through wrongdoing, Again.   In 2016, he, with the backing of Russia tried to attain win over Democratics, and also succeeded. This time he is attempting to pressurize a NATION, and it's President under the false conspiracy theory of their so called involvement in 2016 elections. Clearly, mad men politics is happening in The U.S. where a person or a political organisation could go to any extend just to attain power; then so be it demeaning someone's integrity or harassing the opponent.

Trump refused to go to the House Committee Hearing of Impeachment to be held.

None of this, of course, will stop Trump and his defender's from continuing to make such wild claims, but we can only hope that at least the American Citizen could stand against this ill and wake up to see how the Republicans themselves possess extensive information debunking them.

-Aishwarya Ahire, TYBA


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