Economics 101

Economics is a subject that most don’t understand. But those who do, appear extremely intelligent. So what can one do to become an economics whizz?

Here’s a list of things you can do to pretend to know all about this complicated subject.
1. Economic Times: Have you ever seen that thick, dull coloured newspaper that comes along with The Times of India? The one that you promptly stack on the pile of recyclable paper? Well, the next time you receive a copy of the most boring paper on Earth, don’t toss it away. Instead, pretend to read it. You won’t understand most of it but, you sure will look smart and maybe just maybe, some of what you read will seep into your brain.

2. Alfred Marshall: Remember this name. Alfred Marshall, ladies and gentlemen, is one of the most influential economists (that I know of and I don’t know much.). He’s made and discovered so many theories and principles in economics that chances are, if you make up your own theory and pass it under his name, people will believe it’s legit (at least till the time you extricate yourself out that sticky economics conversation and run away).

3. Graphs: Economists use a lot of graphs (I checked with Google). So that means, you have to use them too. It doesn’t matter if you’re talking about the day’s weather or what you plan to have for dinner. Make a graph. Correlate how cloudy it is with how many pizzas you want to have and PLOT IT. Drawing graphs is serious economics business guys.

4. Use economics jargon: Is your mom pestering you to change a fused light-bulb and you want to get out of doing it? Just say something like " You’re waiting for the unseen hand of the market to correct the lighting disequilibrium".  (You will still have to change the light-bulb but at least you sounded smart while trying to avoid changing it).

5. Stack of economics related books: Let a load of important economics books grace your bookshelf. I recommend; ‘The Wealth of Nations’, ‘Principles of Economics (Marshall)’, ‘The Handbook of Experimental Economics’ and something that sounds like the popular show The Big Bang Theory, ‘Theory of Games and Economic Behavior’.

That’s about it folks! I sincerely hope that these hacks will make you look like Adam Smith (the father of economics).

P.S. Use hacks at own risk when talking to an economics student, lest you offend them and they bite your head off.

~Sanika Saxena (FYBA)


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