Arthotsav Diaries: Day 2

As Guntaas Kaur (our Lord and Supreme Commander) puts it, “When Arthotsav begins it’s like one continuous blur of activity right until it ends.” Truly, it felt like it was hardly the end of the first day as the sun dawned brightly on the second day of our fest. The fest began with a splendid performance by the college’s N.S.S chapter, with a play for the event Bandé Mataram. Volunteers and people from other colleges alike rushed to play the Game of Fire and Ice yet again, as we decided to put off saying goodbye to our beloved game by one more day. Three or four games were played before it was time for the next event—Your Word’s Worth It—to finally commence.

Your Word’s Worth it turned out to be a pleasant surprise! Participants expecting a standard essay-writing competition were in for a shock, as the first round involved a game of charades. The words they guessed correctly would be the words they could write on in the essay, so it was a bit of a necessity for the mime to make sure his teammate guessed correctly…and some mimes did NOT disappoint. Team TUB went to the lengths of doing 10-15 sit-ups to try and make his partner guess the word “down” for “economic slowdown”. (She couldn’t guess it, but at least his legs were a bit stronger after that!) On the other hand, team SKY simply breezed through the first round, getting almost all the words right fast and easily.

After Lunch, it was time for the final event of the day, which is also the longest event in Arthotsav and the most arduous to organize. The Missing Entrepreneur involved participants having to rush around Ruparel’s vicinity hunting for clues before they came back to the campus in the last leg of the hunt. Volunteers having lunch were whisked away to their checkpoints while photographers took up posts in secluded spots to shoot the participants when they were least expecting it.

And that’s the end for Day 2 of Arthotsav! Tomorrow we begin with the Parliamentary Debate, where the winners of all previous contests will assemble for a final battle to win the most prestigious contest in the fest, claiming a huge honour for their college. For now, it’s time to rest, recover and recuperate. Arthotsav 3/3 loading..

Vishal U., FYBA.


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