Arthotsav Diaries, DAY 1
The first day of Arthotsav began with a horde of students cheering wonderfully for the start of the exciting fest. Every volunteer and participant showed nothing but sheer amazement and anticipation for the day to begin.
At around 9:30 am, all the members of Arthotsav had gathered in the auditorium, keenly waiting for the inaugural ceremony's initiation. The Chief Guest, Mr. Pankaj Bobade, was welcomed with a huge round of applause and great laudation. Mr. Bobade was not only very friendly but also very informative; he gave the audience a lot of information about the recent economy and finance. The inaugural ceremony ended at 10:30 with the chairperson of Arthotsav giving a vote of thanks to all the dignitaries present and the ones who helped Arthotsav stand where it is today.
The first event—The Wolf of Dalal Street, conducted by Aditi Taskar and Shruta Patnekar— started soon with excitement buzzing through the room. As the event began, the stocks began to fluctuate, and the participants were seen running from one company station to another, completely in chaos and confusion, yet amazement was seen in the eyes of both: the participants and the volunteers.

The next event—Scamsters of Asia hosted by Pushkar Risbud, saw a really great response, with the OTSEs being shut down as there were many teams participating. Here, as the name suggests, the participants faced scams over projects that they ought to fund. Questions were asked and the participants could be seen discussing in concentration with each other. The last round consisted of the finalists presenting and defending their cases before the panel of judges that were counter-questioning and analyzing the participants' performances.
The next and the last event of the day began with all the participants anticipating the quizzy questions. The event, Risky Quizness by Sreya Nair, tested the skills of the the participants common sense and Economic sense. The first round consisted of pictures being provided, and the pictures led to an economic term, solving which, the participants moved to the second round where the real quiz was seen. Several hands were raised and several questions answered. Amongst all this hullabaloo neither the participants nor the volunteers let their enthusiasm be curbed.
This year we also held a social activity named 'ArthoBazar' where participants came and played little fun games. The games consisted of 'Pictionary', 'Spin It to Win it', 'Tilt-a-Cup' and 'Race Against Time'. As noises of victory, excitement and frustration filled the basketball court, everyone from the participants, volunteers and other college students were seen enjoying tremendously playing the mini games.
As the day closed, everyone was tired. Across the day certain tempers ran high, but so did the morale. And so, successfully, crossing and conquering every road block and hurdle, small or gargantuan, the first day of Arthotsav 2020 came to a conclusion. 


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