
Showing posts from February, 2019

Arthotsav '19 Diaries: Day 3

Day 3 of Arthotsav, initiated with the guest lecture. We were honoured to have Mr. Rajneesh K. Jha, SBA, LIC of India (Mumbai), as the chief guest for the day. He gave a speech related to Financial Planning and Wealth management. His monologue was nothing short of motivating and thought-provoking. His insights on how a person should handle his/her own finances during the course of their life, job and after retirement were enlightening. He ends with the ever-inspiring quote, “Dream big and achieve what you dream”. After the guest lecture, the team of Arthotsav clicks a group photograph with Mr. Rajneesh Jha. Shortly after, the mega event of Arthotsav begins. The Mega Event was named ‛Retrospectrum’, this year. Various founder economists and one of their theories were given to each team. The winners of the previous events were participating in this event. 6 teams were presenting their presentations on their given economist theories. The economists per team were as follows: Team 1- Da

Arthotsav '19 Diaries: Day 2

Day 2 of Arthotsav began with Auction Avalanche, an event headed by Chairperson Sanyukta Buwa and Deputy Chairperson  Gayatri Naik. The event took place at Rupangan, a campus favorite. Round 1 was the elimination round wherein the teams had to write down as many clothing brands as they could in under a minute, and the first 8 teams to get the maximum number of names penned down qualified for the second round, where the actual game began. With the volunteers cheering in the background, the adrenaline rush in every single participant was at peak, the entire arena was buzzing with excitement. Round 2 began when each team was given two thousand bucks to spend on a box in an auction. It was a task to choose which box they liked the best and thought worthy to call their own. Knowing the box would help in the next round, the highest bidder would keep the box to themselves and maybe be at advantage in the next round. In the next round, the participants had to deal and sell the goods they had

Arthotsav '19 Diaries: Day 1

Day 1 of Arthotsav started at 7 in the morning with all the volunteers assembling at the Economics Department. A few instructions in, and all were ready to begin the day ahead. The Festival of Arthotsav initiated with the Inaugural Ceremony, graced with the presence of Shri. Kaushal S. Inamdar, celebrated music director in the Marathi and Hindi music industry as the Chief Guest for the occasion. It was a great delight and very inspiring to hear his views about Economics weaved into the language of music. The very first event of Arthotsav was The Wolf of Dalal Street. Shares and stocks of various companies were traded in this Virtual Stock Market. The prices fluctuated with time, but not the enthusiasm of the participants. The participants had to buy and sell the shares and the team possessing the highest number of shares would be the winner to the event. This event got a storming response from the participants and was a huge success. This event was followed by a new event this

Inaugural lecture by Mr. Kaushal Inamdar

The department of Economics of D. G. Ruparel College recently had the great pleasure to invite Mr. Kaushal S. Inamdar, music composer and singer for the inauguration day of Arthotsav 2019. An ex-student of the college and an alumnus of the Department of Economics, Mr. Inamdar is a well known name in the music industry of India, prominent in Marathi and Hindi languages. A major in Economics, he says the subject of Economics has helped him along the way, “You can leave Economics, Economics won’t leave you. Nothing you learn in college will go to waste. A study in Economics especially, doesn’t ever go waste.” Mr. Inamdar further gave an example to accompany his statement. The music of maestro A R Rahman can be decoded using the law of Diminishing Marginal Utility by Alfred Marshall. The tune of ‘Dil hai chotasa, choti si aasha’ makes use of the same melody five times in a row. Further linking music and Economics, he stated that there are limited resources in music-the seven no

Arthotsav BTS: The Core Team

It's the super six, the aces of the pack, the Core Team. It is but obvious, when you are the Core Team for a fest that is so close to everyone's heart, it gets ingrained into everything you do. Radhika exclaims, "We don't recall the last time we had a conversation not related to Arthotsav!" With barely any time to spare, the festival is fast approaching and it is time to meet the pillars of the fest, the Core of Arthotsav 2019. What exactly is the Core Team's work? "To supervise, well, everything" this is known, but really, what do these guys do? Elaborating, they say, "Our job is overseeing the Event schedule, looking after the work of every department, along with making the final call with some decisions." Point to note, this work had started way back in 2018, June in fact. The work then was begun and carried on by the Core members, and it is with time that everyone joins the team. It is evident that Arthotsav is bigger th

Arthotsav BTS: Event Heads

There is only a couple of days to go to Arthotsav and you can feel it in the air, the calm of the chaos, the silence before the storm. Near the Economics department, everyone's sitting but you can feel their minds running, busy, some with excel sheets, some with long lists, some with artwork, all at hardwork. And there come I and my questions, to disturb the peace for a brief 10 minutes. The event-heads, cool and collected, are clear with the concept, all having been a part of atleast one behind-the-scenes interview. I begin by asking them the core essence of their events. Safa, in-charge of handling the virtual stock market event, Wolf of Dalal Street, says, "It's connected to real life stock exchange. People do invest and trade in securities and having their basic knowledge is necessary. That's what we test in this event." Sanyukta, the event-head of Auction Avalanche speaks up, "It basically puts your marketing skills to test, how you can efficientl

Arthotsav BTS: Literary Arts Department

Team Literary Arts- The pedantic prescriptivists. The Literary Arts is a department where a bunch of introverts weave words and create magic. They are the Shakespeares, the dictionaries, and the Wren-and-Martins of Arthotsav. The ones who take interviews of all other departments were evidently late for their own interview. (not complaining). After a long wait they all finally show up; meekly. Literary Arts efficiently puts Arthotsav in words; and everything that is to be made to sound beautiful while reading. It plays the ‛ink’ part in Arthotsav. One of the Heads, Prajakta says "LA doesn't only write but also does a vital role of connecting the thoughts and ideas and vision of all the departments of Arthotsav and representing it to the people as one." To this, Miloni, one of the volunteers, adds, "LA has a sizable chunk in bringing in people, along with PR and Social media in a way, while the other two rely on communication skills and great media

Arthotsav BTS: Finance Department

Out of all the different teams working in Arthotsav, it was a pleasure speaking with one of the most important departments, Finance. The head and mentor of the department, Siddhikesh along with other members greet me as I enter the Economics department. Far from the most well known department in the festival, Finance prefers to do most of its work discreetly, the work is mostly ‘behind the curtains’ & yet extremely integral to the working of the fest. On being asked on the exact role of Finance, Siddhikesh describes, “We basically keep a track of all the expenditure that happens during the entire festival, before preparations start, we make a rough budget detailing the cost estimations required by the festival and after the fest concludes we make an audit which we submit to the marketing department, who then present it to our sponsors.” We then move on to discussing their modus operandi, how does the Department of Finance go about their daily tasks?