Arthotsav BTS: Creatives Department

There are a lot of teams working for Arthotsav and it was rather interesting having a talk with one of the busiest of them all- the ‘Creatives’.

With their demanding work, they were interviewed the other day to get a glimpse into the working of this department. The Heads, the Mentor and the team were mutually cooperative to answer some relative questions.

Being the Creatives department, one expects them to be paint-splattered, messy, absent-minded folks (stereotyping much?) but these notions are quickly dispelled when one walks into the Creatives’ working space. The place is spic-and-span, and it is hardly surprising as both the Heads of this Department are known to be very particular with their work.

Amongst poster colours and chart papers, under the pale light seeping through the tinted blue window, we begin and interview with these artistically-inclined people.

Having been asked what Arthotsav means to them, they answered that it was to have a platform to use their creativity and skill of art. Aditi Taskar, one of the Heads of Creatives said, “it is the way Economics can be presented in a creative and artistic manner and the whole department does showcase their talent in here.” Aditi Sawant, added, “I am a part of something that I surely won’t regret later.” The poster she is working on decpicts something not-unlike a skyline. A brush tipped with golden colours lies nearby. What poster could she be working on?

I asked them how well do they coordinate with the team when at work, since they have a fairly large crew.
Gayatri Naik, the Mentor answered, “This is the best team to work with.” She states that the team gets to know their work without her needing to say a word. It works perfectly well at all times.
Aditi Taskar adds, “Everyone is pretty coordinative, even on social media and that works in our favour better than meeting personally every time.”
The Heads added that pointing out mistakes was not an issue. The members accepted the mistake and worked it out to better than before.

Rolled-up charts, a couple of them that we know are posters for the events, are stacked at one place, like someone not present at the moment is supposed to tend to that particular poster. This brings us to the next question.

They were asked then, “How do you help the situation when a member is not present for work?” Shruta, another member, said, “No one is blamed. If a member isn’t present, then another one carries out their work for the day.”
Everyone collectively agreed that all of the members knew the process, and so it worked out good enough, even if someone was not present.

The Mentor and Heads were asked how they divided the work amongst their team individually.
“They don’t need to be assigned work, as the team volunteers for each task by themselves. They work on everything together and actively participate in all sorts of work.” The Mentor mentions this triumphantly. The Heads agree that they are extremely fortunate to get a brilliant team.

The next question asked was, what improvements did they see in themselves after being a part of Arthotsav. At this, all the members began a thorough list of their improvements.
Siddhi said that she was able to sketch the numericals on the posters that she had never done before, while Sanjana said that she got to interact with familiar people around. Others agreed to knowing more people, working with proper schedules and thus discipline were among the things they learnt.

How would this particular team describe itself to others?
The Heads strung out adjectives along the lines of obedient and sincere about their work in praise of their team.
And we dare say, they are rather deserving.
They called out their tagline, ‘Being in nothing, but being in everything’. This turned to be the cause of a lot of chuckles from them.

The team members further added, that their mind works faster; there’s definitely more creativity than before! They have more precision in their work as fest approaches closer.

I ask them the closing question, what kind of success do they expect for Arthotsav this year?
The Heads and Mentor said that Arthotsav was a big success for the past two years and it would surely be more grand this year. The Creatives team is always appreciated for their work during the fest and that they will, for sure, continue the tradition!

The Creatives team painting up a storm in words with Maitreyee R., F.Y.B.Com.


  1. Great work...Maitreyi Raote and Arthotsav team...����


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