Arthotsav BTS: Logistics Department

The departmentalisation of compulsiveness, the materialization of efficiency, lo and behold,
it's the Logistics Team! The Monica amongst all departments, their love for neatly filed things is unmatched!

On a dry winter day as the Logistics team concludes their meeting at the BMS Cutta, instead of dissolving to go to their lectures, they gather around and face me, they know what it is, a department interview and being the Logistics department you better believe they are ready! With their energy and enthusiasm, palpable in the air,  I begin by asking them  the run-of-the-mill primary question, "What is the role of  the Logistics team?
To which Bhairavi the Head, states, "We deal with the internal work, the registration forms, the resources we get from the college and the sponsors. We are the cavalry, the men on the ground on those 3 days of Arthotsav."

Confident and affirmative about getting things down to the 'T', they firmly believe that the only way to go is higher, the only way to be is better. With a promise to be more systematic and professional than ever, they haven't failed in making their personal relations amongst each other even stronger. When asked what the best part of Logistics is, the Mentor Neha says, "I am glad to have found such a great friend in the Head, Bhairavi", to which she reciprocates with a nod and says, "So have I, in you."

Saving everyone on the brink of tears Pushkar breaks the silence by saying, "Unity is the best part of us. We 3 guys, being the only guys in the department have found unity too, in a manner 3 guys in a Ladies Special would, #Boypower!"

As everyone breaks out into laughter, being a buzzkill I come back down to shoptalk by asking them how they plan and manage to keep important secrets, to which Pushkar answers, "That in itself is a secret!" and everyone agrees with  a chuckle.

Further as I ask them for their department slogan. Sakshi, a first-year student, already equipped with it says "The difference between disorder and order is Logistics."

Everyone applauds with approval. The support and affection they have towards the team is nothing short of amazing. As I jokingly ask them how strict they think their HOD, Bhairavi, notorious for her no-bs attitude when it comes to work, is on a scale of 1 to 10, Soumya says "11" and all of them laugh. But comforting their Bhairavi, Sakshi explains, "She's not strict. She wants the work done on time. Someone in the crowd adds ,"She is cool, even though she sometimes has a hard time remembering our names!" Now fuming up, she rises to the challenge and proceeds to take everyone's names in a single breath!! Roars of laughter fill in the air as they take back their previous statement.

Finally as I conclude by asking them what will they take away from Arthotsav,
Sakshi beams up and says, "New exposure to new experiences."
Some say, "Patience!", "Memories.", Good friends." and others, "Leftover Biryani if possible!" and of course the most important, "Coupons!"

-The Logistics Department in conversation with Isha Gokhale and Mrunmayee Damle, SYBA.


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